Dumb Little Mike

In the spirit of whoring myself out to the public for blog notoriety and book sales, I recently wrote a post that was accepted and published by a trendy, self-help website.

The only problem is they left my primo material on the cutting room floor.

Well, that’s not entirely true, but the edits they made, to remove my “colourful” language, twisted a few of the lines into ineffectual, impotent, or just plain confusing blather that was not representative of my well-crafted genius. (throw a note about my modesty in there somewhere, too)

If they had simply communicated a non-profanity policy on their site, or gave me the chance to edit the piece myself after discussing the matter, I could easily have accommodated. But that wasn’t the case. In fairness, they did have a disclaimer about making edits without approval from the writer, but it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have been given the opportunity tweak my intellectual property, especially when my name is forever attached to it.

Foul language is not a necessity in my literary explorations, I just happen to really fucking enjoy it. There are many posts here that do not contain “subversive” language. Look hard enough, you’ll find ’em…

I did not come across any legal mumbo-jumbo on their site forbidding the reprinting of the piece on BonerFruit, so somewhere down the road, I’ll repost it in full-glory, proper imagery and all.

I fucking hate censorship. Especially when my “douchebag” and “dickweed” references are essential parts of a message…

Well, maybe not essential, but a lot of fucking fun.

BonerFruit will find the right venue for guest posting somewhere down the road, but for now, we’ll continue our explorations here without worrying what the “man” has to say about it.

El Mirador Volume 3 is coming up soon. Right now, I’m enjoying a little book-writing time in Palenque, Mexico, and planning transportation back to the ocean — a bus to Playa del Carmel, and then a connection to a little fishing village, Puerto Morelos, in hopes of avoiding the hardcore touristy areas while I soak my body in salty water.

The new book is still lacking a few chapters, but is by far the most ambitious and fucked up work I’ve produced to date.

I did get some reader feedback from early-released chapters, so let me share those with you now…

Did I mention my love of whorish self-promotion? Oh yeah, right…

Recently Reviewed…

A Creative Guide to Living and Dying

“Enlightening, entertaining, educational, and outraging — this
book has it all. I’d recommend it to all my friends, but the artwork
makes me wanna puke.”
— M. Ciupka, Fingerpainter

“I hated this guy’s first two books, but now I just hate myself for
buying the third one.”
— M. Ciupka, Sucker for Amazon Deals

“My wife slowed down to get a closer look at an accident on the
highway, and I thought to myself: I wish I was in that stretcher
instead of reading Original Sin.”
— M. Ciupka, Divorced

“Reading Original Sin has made me envious of the blind.”
— M. Ciupka, Stevie Wonder Wannabe

“When I think of originality, I think of Mozart. When I think of
Original Sin, I think cutting my wrists.”
— M. Ciupka, Impressionable Reader

“The perfect stocking stuffer! Especially if your socks are destined
for the landfill.”
— M. Ciupka, Holiday Enthusiast

“If you liked Conversations with God, you won’t like this.”
—Neil Diamond Walsh

“There’s a reason I created Hell — so you would know repercussions of bad decisions, like purchasing this book.”

“I tried to read it, but it was too big.”
—L. Skywalker

“Read or do not read. There is no try.”

“I like this kid, he’s good. Buy his new book. I would never lead you
— Satan

“The shallow depth is ever near,
As lightning darkens sound,
Metal shakes the rusted smile,
A petal soft and round.”
— Nostradamus, Incomprehensible Nut-job

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