Do you feel the need to make a statement about a fake virus and bullshit global warming? If you answered yes, then CoronaWear is for you! No need to wait for winter to sport one of these custom-made beauties, cuz it’s always fucking cold in Canada, despite the weather jerk-offs always promising imminent balmy conditions. You should feel blessed that your government keeps passing hidden bills for carbon tax while you freeze your balls off in May.
CoronaWear is lovingly crafted with your personal safety in mind! Our team of artists go through no less than 3 sanitizing body-washes before donning Level-A Hazmat suits, which feature:
- Full-face Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
- Two-Way radio
- Steel-toe safety boots
- Chemical-resistant gloves
CoronaWear is made from organic lama wool, irradiated for no less than 6 hours in our proprietary sterilization chamber. Our crochet hooks/knitting needles are prepared according to the strictest protocol of bacteriological cleansing, and are systematically incinerated after each 4-hour block of use. CoronaWear is packaged in our government-certified clean room using hermetically-sealed shipping containers that will not be exposed to a single pathogen until it arrives at your front door carried by a disease-ladened UPS flunky.
Order today and receive a free 12-pack of JIHAD facemasks!
Each top-of-the-line N-95 respirator mask is custom-lettered in black acrylic paint, containing no less than 2 ounces of spittle procured from a vagrant willing to hoark in a dixie cup in exchange for liquor money.
Direct message Bonerfruit for prices! All hats begin at $499.95*
*although hats used to be $12.95, and many times given away for free, adhering to government regulations is a costly element we cannot ignore. We sincerely apologize for the drastic markup, but hope you will continue to support our local business during these difficult, troubling, and ass-reaming times.
Much love,
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