Call Me A God, Prophet, or Genius, Whatever Floats Yer Boat…

The attached blog entry was written in 2018. Jesus, that seems like a fucking lifetime ago. I found it accidentally while trying to determine the origin of the flowing-haired chick that used to adorn the Adobe Illustrator start-up icon when I first learned graphic design programs.

Stupid me, it was a Botticelli painting of Venus. How did I not clue into that before? Prolly cuz I grew up as a sheltered, ignorant human produced by an educational system that favoured the training modality derived by Pavlov and his dogs.

Ding, Mike, it’s fucking recess!

Ding, Mike, time to go back to class.

Ding, Mike, time to go home and fill out chapter 7 of your mind-numbing, insulting homework, so you don’t get yelled at the next day for being derelict to the expectations of your syllabus-reading “mentor,” and, yes, ding again Mike to brush your teeth, go to bed, and repeat the fucking process till you earn the accolade of being a “graduate.”

Do you know what I like about re-reading old posts?

It gives me a snapshot of my thoughts and evolution. Am I moving forward? Am I stuck in the same traps that’ve always controlled my life? Or can I laugh at myself now for being a holier-than-thou jerkoff, because I thought I had it all figured out as a self-deluded, ego-driven narcissist?

Haha, I still suck.

But, for the record, I did hammer a few nails directly on the head.*

[*See Karate Kid II]

If you wanna spend 15 minutes reading this oldey-timey post, that’s your call. If not, Mikey giveth not a fuck. My best guess is that this website will be scrubbed into a Memory Hole within 3 years, as every internet user clamours to provide digital ID for the “privilege” of sharing information, instead of being labelled a subversive who doesn’t adhere to the Main Stream Narrative.


My Suggestion? Fuck Google…

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