Q & A: Messages from BonerFruit Subscribers

Amidst the ever-burgeoning fears surrounding COVID-19, the BonerFruit website has found itself inundated with queries that are beyond this moderator’s capacity to deal with on an efficient, one-on-one basis. Although BonerFruit will continue doing its best to address reader concerns during these difficult, uncertain times, the following “Frequently Asked Questions” are intended to ease the burden of personal discourse. If you do not find a relevant solution to your current dilemma within this post, please be patient awaiting direct response. BonerFruit is here for you.

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Critical Thinking 101

Although I can’t speak for anyone else, I’ve realized that allowing your daily motivations to be fed by rage doesn’t serve much of a constructive purpose.

A big shock, I know.

But don’t misunderstand me on this — I think primal, hardcore venting is conducive to almost every healing process, and should be allowed to continue for as long as necessary. But once the emotions have been fully unleashed, dwelling on what can’t be changed is an exercise in futility.

A big shock, I know.

Even though I was enmeshed in a horribly egoic hissy fit the other day, and considered shutting my website down for good, I woke this morning with a desire to punch some keys on my laptop one more time.


Continue reading Critical Thinking 101