CoronaRage 1-0-Fucking-1

If you thought you’ve heard angry rants in the past here on BonerFruit, well prepare yourself for something fucking extraordinary, as I’m about to set the fucking record for the fucking number of F-bombs ever recorded in a fucking 1000-word fucking essay.

Fucking why?

Because cocksucking society has lost its collective fucking mind. And even though there’s absolutely no worthwhile reason to write this post today (since realizing humanity has the aggregate IQ of a chromosome-deficient chimp huffing gas fumes while being steadily pumped with carbon monoxide via a short hose jammed straight into its hairy ass), I need to document a few things which are solely for my benefit — a dear-fucking-diary piece that I don’t give a flying fuck if anyone reads or resonates with. I don’t even fucking know what the fuck aggregate means, and guess what? I don’t give a flying fuck.

Continue reading CoronaRage 1-0-Fucking-1

Divide and Conquer, Part 1: Excerpt From Original Sin

It would be a lovely thing to have an accurate history of humanity inked on papyrus, etched in metal, or carved into rock. But no such markings exist — at least none that aren’t under lock and key in the Vatican, or hidden under the Sphinx.

We grew up accepting the fairytales of evolution or creationism that gave us anecdotal grounding for our journey through life, but those lessons of origin never got thoroughly scrutinized in our elementary schooling. Modern scholastic guidance is more centred on training younglings to be effective soldier ants — productive members of whatever collective they were born into — not philosophers or dreamers.

Continue reading Divide and Conquer, Part 1: Excerpt From Original Sin