El Mirador, Volume 3

We ended our last part of the 6-day Mirador adventure at the end of day 1. I’ll do my best to wrap up the tale here, as we have new stories to get to. Let’s focus on the highlights, and I’ll spare you my rambling insight for another time…

The stories of eating termites off a stick, luring a thousand ants into your tent with a granola bar, wild capybaras, mutant turkey/peacocks, and attempting to ingest massive plates of semi-dry pasta might need to be relegated to the Akashic Records for now. So much happened, and my note taking wasn’t as immaculate as I had thought. Each day was easily worthy of a full post.

How about we just share a whack of images today — from violated tombs, to the largest volume pyramid in the world, La Danta. Though the pictures will never do the place justice, at least you’ll have an idea of some of the things we saw.

Here we go…

I have hundreds more, but like I said, still shots do nothing to capture the majesty standing on top a pyramid, overlooking Guatemala for hundreds of miles… they can’t impart tactile experiences, smells, or emotions involved with every crazy pile of intentionally places stones we encountered.

We saw a sunset or sunrise everyday. Our guides kept our bellies full during our days of crazy hiking, the second last day entailing a 33 km walk, and each site we reached was always well worth our efforts.

El Mirador was an incredible adventure. Returning back to Flores, and “reality,” left me feeling a little empty. But new journeys await. My Divine Tour-guide hasn’t missed a beat thus far, and I look forward to the signs posted next.

They day is young…

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