Well, it took 8 months longer than I anticipated, but the new book has officially been submitted for publishing! Now comes the ever-dicey “review” by the overlords at Amazon. With the insane censorship in place these days, I can’t possibly predict what’ll happen. But I got away with dozens of politically incorrect sentiments in my last tome without issue, and I even removed the “Suck My Balls, Amazon!” subliminal message I buried on the front cover of the new book just to hedge my bets. I guess my only concerns are the chapters where I mentioned fake viruses, phony holocausts, and being a fan of Hitler. Oh well, what’s done it done. Actually, I’m pretty sure the fascist social media algorithms currently in place only target “offenders” who get too many views posting ideas that go against the mainstream narrative. It’s extremely unlikely I’ll ever have a “popularity” problem, haha. Always best to stay under the radar.
I’ve been derelict in writing new blog posts, and for that I apologize, but my attention has solely been focused upon the new book (yeah, right, if you believe that, you’re a stupid motherfucker).
Okay, truthfully, though I have been writing steadily, I’ve also been obsessed with getting my boat on the water. Renovations take time, and you can only do so much work in a week when you still remain guiltily obliged to work 30 hours or more in the slave-job you thought you quit…
Let’s review how that transpired…
Mike (drunk on the patio on his day off): Dude, I’m quitting next year on April 10th to work on my boat full-time next summer. That gives you nine month’s notice to find a new kitchen manager. Losers who unexpectedly impregnate their girlfriends don’t get that much warning.
Boss: That’s fair.
9 months later…
Boss: You were serious?
Fuck. I guess I shoulda seen that coming…
Boss: Can you at least help out on Friday and Saturday till we find some staff? We need you, Mike!
Mike: Fine, for 2 months, then I’m done.
2 months later…
Boss: Mike, I really need you Sundays. We are fucked! Just for a bit…
Mike (heavy sigh): Okay, just until you hire people.
Well, it’s fucking September and the only people we’ve hired rightfully belong in mental institutions. Not because they’re depraved in thought and mind like I am, but because they’re TOO FUCKING STUPID TO LIVE!
Sorry. I find venting helpful. And if I sound wrong for wanting to kill those idiot motherfuckers, or at least jam a paring knife into my temple to end the pain of my interaction with humans who should have been aborted as fetuses, just fucking deal with it without judging me too much. I’ll take some deep breaths in the next few moments, and my grief and stress will quickly become forgotten.
As I was about to get into some philosophical rant about how much I actually love my bosses, and would probably bend over backwards for them till the end of time to help their business, my computer just pinged me…
A message from Amazon… the new book is live!
Fuck yeah!
But don’t buy anything yet. Gimme a couple weeks to sort out typos and compile the E-book. I’ll send out an official “New Book Party” memo in the near future, although the new book party will likely be me drinking alone on my sailboat.
I’ll finish my train of thought about guilt, responsibility, and choice another time, but, for now, I’m gonna go seek out a heroin dealer to celebrate.
Haha, just kidding.
I’m looking for crack.
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