Gettin’ Dizzy Spinnin’ Round Sol

Well, the new year is upon us once again, so naturally it’s time to honour the frenzy of resolutions and self-improvement goals that’ve been collecting dust on the back shelves of our brains, waiting for juuust the right time to be implemented…

But of course there is no new year.

The cultural demarcation of a new solar cycle is about as arbitrary as saying, “Hey dude, the quartz crystal in my wrist machine just oscillated an additional 2.81 billion mega Hertz, so it must be Tuesday!”

Now don’t get me wrong here, I like the idea of setting goals. I like the idea of personal growth and evolution, and I like the idea of leaving the past where it belongs in order to foster a greater version of self.

But there’s one thing I’ve learned in my many years of wandering lost and confused in this convoluted and mismanaged insane asylum: Change only happens in the now.

And therein lies the rub — it’s the reason why 99% of all the goals and hopes and aspirations attached to the January 1st fantasy end up swirling unceremoniously down the filthy porcelain bowls of our mental loos. We’re constantly awaiting that magical time and place to implement change. It’s often near — just up ahead around the next corner — but it’s always in the future. Our aspirational porridge has to be juuust right before we pull the trigger on life changing decisions, which is of course the perfect recipe for failure, since there is no future, only now.

Also, no Dana, only Zuul.

It always comes down to the present. If you don’t effect your change in this very moment, you can pretty much fucking forget about it.  It’s called the I’LL START MONDAY EFFECT. It goes like this:

I’ll start Monday.

So have another beer, one more smoke, sign up for the gym next week, have another donut or two, and don’t worry 2 fucks about rushing headstrong into anything outside your comfort zone. You’ll get to it next week, this time for sure!

Choice doesn’t mean shit without action. Make the choice that’s best for you, and keep choosing that choice. It really is that simple.

Alright, enough preachy preachy shit, me gonna write some stupid Daily Bread and work on the new book, then maybe a quick hike through the woods — I promised myself I’d start walking 5K every morning… although it’s kinda cold out at the moment…

Meh, maybe I’ll start on Monday.

Happy Arbitrary Calendar Change Event!!